Alexander Kochnev
Senior Backend Developer at YNA
Alexander Kochnev's professional path can undoubtedly be called extraordinary. He entered the IT field at a very young age and by the age of 20, he had already authored his own unique developments, including neural networks that are successfully implemented in the market. Despite his age, Alexander quickly became a sought-after specialist thanks to his hard work and talent. From childhood, Alexander has been inextricably linked with computers. He started programming at the age of 10 and took orders for backend and frontend development from the age of 13. He worked on the visual component of websites, and these were his first commercial offers. He received more significant tasks at the age of 14 when he began working at the company "Simple Solutions," which provided payment and withdrawal services.

He participated in the work on the Moscow Mayor's project "Our City", collaborated with foreign companies, and even registered his own software in the United States.

Alexander is proud of his work with Simple Solutions and Fuel Partners at the beginning of his career. He is genuinely grateful for the experience he gained during his collaboration with them. They had significant and exciting interactions with Yandex services, where their team was able to achieve high turnover and increase the number of transactions. They also worked with taxi aggregators, where they created unique solutions and successfully implemented them.
Undoubtedly, Alexander is proud of his participation in the work on the "Our City" project, working with "Energosbyt +," and his personal developments. It is worth mentioning that his officially registered software in the United States, OneFile, is an innovative service that solves the problem of transferring data between devices. With its help, one can quickly and easily transfer files.