Aliaksandr Zdzitavets
Java Developer at
Aliaksandr is a Java Developer with over 5 years of experience in the IT industry. He is currently working at, where he has been for over 2 years. Prior to that, he worked at EPAM Systems for 3 years. Aliaksandr is a skilled developer with a strong understanding of Java, Spring Boot, and React. He is also proficient in a variety of other technologies, including SQL, NoSQL, and AWS. Aliaksandr is a highly motivated and results-oriented individual. He is also a team player and is always willing to help others. Aliaksandr is a valuable asset to any team and would be a great addition to any company. He is a graduate of the Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics. Aliaksandr is fluent in English and Russian. He is interested in machine learning, and artificial intelligence.