Anzhela Somenkova
Backend Go developer at Sberbank
Anzhela has 8 years of experience in software engineering development and demonstrates a strong ability to learn new technologies and investigate new projects. Their skills include programming languages such as C++ and Golang, operating systems like Windows and Linux, and tools such as Visual Studio Code, Git, Google Protobuf, and Google Test. They also have basic knowledge of CMake and Python, as well as familiarity with design patterns. Their English proficiency is at an intermediate level.

She graduated from Samara Polytechnic University with a major in Applied Mathematics and Informatics in 2015. After graduation, She worked as a mathematician at the All-Russian Research Institute of Experimental Physics (VNIIEF) in Sarov for 3.5 years on the LOGOS-Strength project. The significance of this software package lies in its accreditation as an alternative to foreign software, which is used by domestic engineering bureaus. My contribution involved preparing a physics-mathematical model of concrete and implementing it in the software. As a result of this work, one article was published with my sole authorship and three others in collaboration. She was promoted to the position of Junior Researcher.